"For personal freedom was the immediate deliverance of the spirit of fear especially the fear of failure, the accusations of the past sins or failures and the condemnations that went along with it. The loosing of the heavy burdens of feeling responsible for someone else’s sins, short comings of life choices that effect me but it was not my fault but theirs and forgiving them for it; being set free to see myself truly from the eyes of God and not that of the devil lies or my own shame. Being set free to be able to share the hurts, secret sins, lies and truths of my past that none my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit only knew. And having gained the freedom to walk out of the last session and asking God, the Father, 'What do I do now?' Then hear the Words, 'Walk with me.' Amen…"
"I was struggling with self hate, cutting, and self harm when I began seeing Teia. I had so much pain that I thought cutting would get rid of the pain, but it only made the pain worse. I didn't think I would ever get through the things I was dealing with. I really believe if I had not found Teia when I did that I would not be the person I am today. Teia helped me find my identity in Christ. I have been healed from cutting, I have grown a lot closer in my relationship with God, and I have begun to grow in spiritual gifts I didn't know I had."
"For personal freedom was the immediate deliverance of the spirit of fear especially the fear of failure, the accusations of the past sins or failures and the condemnations that went along with it. The loosing of the heavy burdens of feeling responsible for someone else’s sins, short comings of life choices that effect me but it was not my fault but theirs and forgiving them for it; being set free to see myself truly from the eyes of God and not that of the devil lies or my own shame. Being set free to be able to share the hurts, secret sins, lies and truths of my past that none my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit only knew. And having gained the freedom to walk out of the last session and asking God, the Father, 'What do I do now?' Then hear the Words, 'Walk with me.' Amen…"
"Our 8 year old daughter, O. and our 2 year old son, D. received healing at HHIM from Teia. She demonstrated the love of God, and the tenderness of a mothers touch to us and our children.
After our first meeting I could tell O. came away contemplating what had just happened during the healing she received in a God moment with Teia.
During another meeting D. had an encounter with the Lord that I could see and feel.
Teia taught us to pray over our children in their sleep. We went through the 16 strongholds and generational issues with our children as they slept. The prayers were powerful and very effective. Our daughter, O. struggled with anger and resentment towards her younger adopted brother because of his many needs, both physical and emotional.
Teia talked with her and prayed through these with O. She led O. through prayers of forgiveness toward D. and released him to the Lord. O. was asked to close her eyes and remember an incident with D. She did and the Lord brought up a time when D. hit her. She forgave D. and the Lord came and healed that memory.
O. also forgave Mom and Dad for bringing D. into our home as a new family member. Jesus again brought healing through inner healing. Teia laid hands on D. and prayed for him. He was healed from anger, rage and sleeplessness. Along with spirits of abandonment, rejection and fear. A new level of love, acceptance and peace now prevails in our home!"
"We initially met with Teia because our 6 year old daughter had defiant behavior issues. These were much different issues than our other three children had, and different than we see in most other children.
Our daughter has also seen demonic spirits, and I too have seen them on occasion. So, we know she was not making the stories up. What was planned as a ministry time for our 6 year old turned out to be a ministry time for our whole family.
Teia loved on us as a family with a love that could only come from the Father above. Our oldest daughter received the most ministry, and was set free in multiple ways.
God’s plan for our family was obviously much bigger than what we had expected. He used Teia’s heart, her love and her gifts to carry our family to a new place of freedom.
Teia explained the more freedom the parents get the more freedom the children receive. We continue to see this working out in our family, as my husband and I talk about things we see that need to be addressed in our personal relationship and our family. Much Love,"
"When I first came to HHIM I felt pretty desperate. I had two adopted children, one child had attached fine to mom and dad, but for the other one, it was a different story. He had a visible hatred and deep anger behind his eyes, and he was wearing his mom down.
I knew he needed help when I realized I didn’t want to be near him. When he would enter the room and I would secretly wish the Lord would just take him away! I knew this couldn’t continue, so when a friend suggested I see Teia, I hoped she could help us. I wanted to find someone who could work with adults and small children and was so glad when I heard Teia did both. I was also very happy to find out she was a spirit-filled believer who invited the Holy Spirit into all our sessions!
On our first visit, I discovered she had already asked the Lord into the conversation. From the healing prayer to the inner healing we asked the Lord to come and to heal the pain. I think the reason we saw so much progress and healing, is that Teia was a willing conduit for Jesus to come into the broken places in our lives. I was very angry, but I had a chance to cry and vent my anger and frustration to the Lord. This was the beginning of our healing.
Jesus came into each healing session and made me aware of lies of Satan that I had believed, but He healed me of past pain and hurts and replaced those lies with truth. Teia chatted with both kids and l learned that our son had been deeply hurt before he was adopted, and our Daughter had deep anger and resentment from her past that had come in through abandonment.
After several months of deliverance and inner healing she was able to cast several demons out of me. I received much freedom from anger and a fear of failure. The kids noticed a very different atmosphere in the home and there has been a new level of peace in our lives. J. was never able to hug mom, or smile at mom or say things like, ‘I love you’. Now he can do all three. He still has a way to go, but life at home isn’t so terrible anymore. Mom is able to express her feelings to J., and J. is now able to respond appropriately.
H. had been hiding in her books, not showing much emotion. Not able to express her feelings to mom and dad. Now that has all changed.
Perhaps the greatest thing I learned from Teia is the ability to speak and pray into my children’s lives and help them heal. I have been given a real resource that I can take and use anywhere. I praise the Lord for Teia and for what she was able to teach me. She trained me how to teach my children to fight for their freedom. Because of that I’m confident both of them will grow up to be mighty warriors for the Lord!"